Top 10 Dating Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Loss of Attention

Before going on a date, make sure that your schedule is really free because it would be annoying for your date if you keep on checking your phone or it constantly beeps the whole time you are with him or her. Moreover, when you are on a date, it is best if you keep your full attention on whatever he or she is saying. Every detail is important in order for you to score for another date. Since, it is your first time to meet, there are just so many things you will want to talk like your favorites, things you do during your free time, what keeps you busy, and even your memorable moments. You should do these things when on a date. You have to know his or her personality, evaluate yourself on how you are doing instead of focusing on something else, which is not relevant on your date. Some of these are checking and attending to your mobile phone or other gadgets. Nevertheless, it is an exemption if it is really important and an emergency. Your date would totally understand.

  1. Complaining Here and There

It would absolutely be awkward if you keep on saying bad things about other people and even on things like saying that, the meal you just had is under or over seasoned, which would mean that you did not enjoy eating your food. In addition, your date would think that maybe after your date, you would go and see your friend and say bad things about him or her. Learn how to say things properly and nicely.

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